Canary Soap

Solar dryer

As you already know, many of the flowers we use come from our garden.
Normally we use them fresh to make macerated oils, which we will later use in soaps, balms, etc. But what happens when we have a lot of harvest and we don’t have enough space? Well, this is where we need to use our solar dryer. It is a traditional method that our grandparents used to dry and preserve the properties of plants and food. To do this, they exposed the ingredients they wanted to transform to the sun for a few weeks and once they were dry, they were stored until they were needed.

In our case we do the same, through this solar dehydrator, where we place the flowers of calendula, geranium, lavender, rosemary… etc. in the trays that are inside.
Thanks to the heat and sunlight that pass through the glass of the dehydrator, the sun’s rays are enhanced and make the flowers dry much sooner. At the same time the drying is protected from the arrival of insects or bugs.

This dehydrator helps us to obtain a quality final product and we are really happy with the result.
It is made by Raíces de la Tierra, a collective of artisans and farmers based in the south of Tenerife.
Also tell them about what we have experienced in drying bananas, papayas, citrus peels, moringa leaves, hot peppers, etc. and that we continue to experiment. It is very fun and the flavors of the fruits can also surprise us.

At the same time, he has told us that fish and meat can be dried, but since we are vegetarians, we prefer to continue with fruits, vegetables, and plants.

Well, did you already know this method? How about?

If you don’t have a dehydrator like the one in the photo, and you really want to try it, we encourage you to do so. You simply need a clean space exposed to the sun. Cover it with a sheet or towel and spread the food you want to dry on it, preferably fruit or flowers. Every day you will have to turn it over so that it dries well on all sides.

We hope you liked our post.
If you have any questions or suggestions we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you very much and happy day!

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